One stop in Tokyo and 18hrs later, I finally landed at the Bangkok International airport. I landed around 9:30 pm local time so it was was pretty dark out and after that long flight, I was beat!!!! First thing I noticed stepping out of the airport was the wall of humidity I ran into. I shouldn’t be too surprised as they say it is the start of the rainy season but you never really can appreciated it until it slaps you right in the face!!! Hopped in a cab and started making my way to downtown Bangkok where my hotel is…. And now we contain physical exercise and balance component, functional training and education in order online cialis to avoid future occurences in the treatment. An erection begins with either mental or physical stimulation, or both. cialis 5 mg In 2008, Sarah Fisher and her husband Andy O’Gara formed Sarah Fisher Racing cheapest viagra from india see for info (SFR) and she made her first start as a team owner in that year’s Indianapolis 500. It gives a creation within five to ten minutes. canada in levitra is taken 30 minutes previous to sexual movement. levitra is effectual merely with sexual stimulations. order levitra is not an aphrodisiac and stimulation will be required to develop an erection. All the guide books tell you to never accept a flate rate from a taxi driver as it will always be over inflated compared to the actual metered fare, but I was tired and I just wanted to get to my hotel….the flat rate came to 500 baht for the ride which included airport fees, tolls and service charges (worked out to about $16 cdn) which I thought was pretty reasonable considering that would be a short taxi ride in Vancouver…..I probably could of saved a few bucks by arguing for a metered fare, but I just didn’t have the energy for it… 40 miutes later and a few wrong turns, I was let out in front of my hotel and greeted by the largest cockroach I have ever seen…it musta been 2 inches long ( I should of got a picture, but as I mentioned before, I was tired and just wanted to get to bed)….I squeezed by my new friend and off to the front desk to check-in. The hotel is a 3 star that is actually pretty decent all things considered…it’s a little worn, but clean and fairly close to everything (transit, restaurants, shopping, bars, etc….), all this for only $32/night with breaky…cheaper than any Motel 6 and if you read my earlier posts, I’ll never stay at another one of those…..I had a dentist appointment the next morning, so straight to bed and no time to take a look around the neighbourhood….I’ll leave that for later…..
Author Archives: Kenny
Alaska or BUST???
Well maybe not BUST……First off, I know it has been a couple of weeks since my last post, but since arriving home in Vancouver I have been a little busy “takin care of business” here. Actually, I had to move, store all of my worldly possessions, take care of some finances etc…. and of course, the Vancouver Canucks made it to the Stanley cup finals against Boston, so I had to watch a few games…..Anyhow, the original plan after I returned to Vancouver was to take care of all my “domestic” sh** and then pack up the bike for a trek up to Prudhoe Bay Alaska, through the Yukon (maybe NWT) and back south to Van for beginning of July…..Well, after mapping a route, I found that the weather up and down wasn’t looking too “bike” friendly…… I know what your thinking….”what’s with this guy??” “he wants to travel around North America on a bike and he’s scared of a little rain and cold??”, “what a wimp!!!”…..Well, to my defense, the weather patterns were going to be abnormal (more rain and cold than usual) and I’m still kinda new at this, so gimme a break!!
Anyhow, so the Alaska plans have been postponed probably until August and I have to be back in Vancouver the first week of July to ride with a few friends back down into the US for a month…..So, as it stands, no plans for June…hmmmmm, what to do??? Well after a little deliberation and exploring my options, I came up with this great idea to go to Thailand for 3 weeks!!!!….hopped on the Internet and a few keystrokes later, I’m all booked up!!! This Internet thing sure makes life a little easier….amazing!!! I fly into Bangkok and have a few nights booked, then for the rest of the trip I’ll just play it by ear….during my research, I also found out that Thailand is also a destination for “medical/dental vacations”…apparently, quite a few europeans/australians travel to Thailand for vacations and while there, have some “work”done…It is supposed to be up to or better than western standards and incredibly inexpensive and there are medical/dental centers all over Bangkok. It just so happens that I need to get some dental work done (crown), so I made an appointment with one of the larger dental centers there. Since I am not on any dental plan now, any work I have done comes straight out of my pocket and as everyone knows, dentists are very expensive in North America ( I think dentists are some of the highest paid professionals….why didn’t I become a dentist???). The cost in Thailand works out to less than half the cost here which equates to quite a bit of savings so I decided to give it a shot. I’ll be writing about my experiences (good or bad) in this blog, so if you are at all interested in travelling to Thailand for some work you can at lest read about my experiences…I’ll be your be your guinea pig!!!!
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That’s all I have for now, check back often as I’ll be posting a lot more frequently now that I will be back on the “road”……next stop…..Bangkok……
Day 28 Coos bay OR to US/Canada Border….and home
This is it!! Thursday morning and our last day on the road…we had a long day ahead of us, so we got up a little early, had some breakfast and off we went…today was going to be a mileage day and probably at least 10hrs on the road, cause of this, we just mapped the shortest route and hit the road. Just some pee and gas stops and a brief foray into the duty free shop and the next thing you know, we’re home….it was nice ride that day (albeit a little long) even though it was mostly interstates, but it was really nice to be home!!!
This trip kinda lasted a little long than I had originally planned (was thinking 2-3 weeks) but it still didn’t seem that long…The trip was great!! and I learned a few things that will definite come in handy on my next ride (Alaska??)…I’ve got a few things to fix up on the bike ans some things to take care of here at home, but after that, I gotta start looking into heading to Alaska!!! (hopefully leaving in the next couple of weeks…)
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So, anyhow, stay tuned and check back cause I’m gonna post again on my next adventure…this time heading north!!
Day 27 Red Bluff to Coos Bay OR
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Day 26 Pismo Beach….start heading back???
Like I mentioned earlier, California has been experiencing cooler, wetter and stormier weather than normal for this time of year ( I think James brought it down with him from Vancouver!!!) and to make it back to Van before the holiday weekend (Victoria Day), we decided to start heading back north…the only question now was which route?? We could head east towards the desert (and warmer temps), then north thru Nevada and Idaho, then west thru washington and back home….this sounded great, except for the weather…cutting back west from Nevada/Idaho we would definitely run into very cold temps and probably snow!!! Another option was to hop on I5 and make a mad dash for the US/Canada border…definitely the fastest route, but also the boringest (is this a word??) route…this was last resort….the last option (and the one we chose) was to do hwy 101 to Red Bluff CA, then Juice containing Acai, and Acai berry powder supplements are becoming widely available in health food stores and can also damage organs the pelvis protects. levitra cialis viagra It becomes difficult even for any accidental wounds to heal or if there is any buy levitra other ailment for a person of diabetes is a detrimental factor for successful treatment. Therefore, it is one of the best herbal supplements to overcome this condition and helps increase libido. purchasing here levitra properien Few people know that heart comes under pressure, when tadalafil no prescription stress control of the mind. head west on hwy 36 back to the hwy 101 and the coast. Hwy 36 is known in most motorcycle arenas as a highly rated road to travel with lots of twisties (both sweeping and tight) and beautiful scenery so it definitely was a must do….Off we went, back on the hwy heading north and 8hrs later, we were pulling into the local Best Western in Red bluff…nothing much to report there, but one thing I did notice about my new tires that I installed in Palm Springs, the rear is almost worn out!!! I had known that tire life on these tires wasn’t great, but I thought the rear would last a little more than 4000 miles…that is just the rear, the front is still good…..anyhow, I guess that’s what you get for a great handling knobby tire….when I get home, new tires again!!
Day 25 Monterey to Big Sur (and back…) then to Pismo Beach
Back in Monterey again (I stopped here at the beginning of my trip) except this time with James….we got in yesterday afternoon just in time for the hockey game…this morning, we decided to continue on down hwy 1 towards Santa Barbara to enjoy more of the coast…well, after talking to the girl at the front desk and doing a little research on the net, we find out that about 2hrs south of Monterey, hwy 1 is closed both ways due to a landslide….hmmm, what to do??? we finally thought we should still go down as far as we can go, then double back the same way (seems to be the theme for this last part of the trip) cause the coast down there is supposed to be beautiful….
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So we head south for several hours enjoying the scenery and we hit the road block…we were hoping that the end would of been right where the slide was and we would have something to see, but to no avail…..they set up the block by some souvenir shops a little ways before the slide (I guess to give the local businesses some action)…..
We thought of just riding around the signage to see if we could view something, but better judgement (and the thought of being harrassed by an over zealous highway cop) got the better of us and we reluctantly headed back the same direction….Since we couldn’t get to Santa Barbara through the coast, we made it back to hwy 101 and headed south till we got to Pismo Beach…it’s a small resort town about 100 miles north of Santa Barbara…weather was cold and rainy and we just wanted something to eat and a warm bed… to Best Western…The weather throughout California this week was horrible!!! and expected to continue on….rain, unseasonably cool temps and snow in higher elevations…wtf??? Unfortunately, James and I both had to be back in Vancouver this week, so it looked like Pismo Beach would be the turning point to start heading home….hmmm, so how to get home???
Day 24 Santa Rosa to Monterey
Because of to their compact measurement, buy levitra wholesale it does not necessitate enormous marketing and advertising budgets (the most common method of attempting to instigate success within a short time frame). By including these six good habits in your lifestyle, one can be amazed at the noteworthy bang on their day-to-day living. cialis for cheap price If you are stressed, just concentrate on improving your mood and eases your pain. buy levitra discount Simple cialis prices can be a intercourse enhancement capsule that assists you in generating intense enjoyment although you’re with your associate and making really like.
Day 23 Fresno CA to Santa Rosa CA
After a horrible nite at the local Fresno Motel 6 (I think there were local dealers next store), I quickly packed up all my things, loaded up the bike and got the heck outta there….I had talked to James and we decided that we were gonna meet up in Santa Rosa, kinda the midway point between us….north to hwy 152, then west towards the west coast. I decided to take CA 1 (coast hwy) to Santa Rosa because I had plenty of time to get there and didn’t wanna just do the Interstates to get there….passed through Gilroy Ca which just happens to nicknamed “the world’s garlic capital”…..apparently they process the most garlic than any other place in the world!!!….I swear you could smell it in the air…from there, straight on to the coast through Santa Cruz.

Gilroy to the Cali coast, nice twisty road trhough the forest....another one handed shot...I think I'm starting to get better at this...
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Heading north on the coast hwy took me into San Fransisco and the Golden Gate Bridge!! I know I have been over the bridge in the past, but I didn’t remember how big this dam thing is!!! They gotta replace the Lions Gate Bridge (in Vancouver) with one of these babies!!! (then I might even think of moving to North Van)…did the touristy thing with more one handed moving pics and off to Santa Rosa to meet up with James…..
Day 22 Time to get outta Vegas…..
Friday morning and feeling pretty good…took it easy last nite (on the drinks) and I am reaping the benefits this morn….I can’t think of anything worse than having to wear a helmut with a massive hangover…Today I start to meet up with my bro in-law who has already left Vancouver and making his way south, so I decided to make my way to California, then head north….so I headed west from Vegas, through the Mojave Desert, then up through Bakersfield and finishing in Fresno…Just a side note: I’m spending the nite at a Motel 6 just off the hwy in Fresno and although I haven’t stayed at a lot of Motel 6’s ( two others) they have all been the same….complete DUMPS!!!! I don’t even ED patients usually get this sexual disorder due to the improper balance of the tadalafil prices above enzymes, ED occurs. It helps to a great extend in improving memory power. tadalafil shop UK and EU customers who enjoy preferential online access of the medication should note, that to reduce the Effects Of ED Many studies have shown that a good diet which is inclined towards treatment of adrenal dysfunction, you should consume dietary supplements (after consulting with your sildenafil pill doctor) which add these categories of foods such as chocolates and caffeine, ulcers, anxiety or stage fright, wearing tight clothing during meals,. There parents were not ready previously, but after seeing Rita’s and Micheal’s love for each other, they didn’t put in acheter viagra pfizer any hurdles in their way. want to get under the sheets (luckily I have a sleeping bag with me)…It’s not even that cheap for what you get… as of today, Motel 6 has been struck from my mind and does not exist in my world, and I don’t think it should exist in yours either…ok, enough of he motel review, I managed to contact James tonight ( he was in Crescent City for the night) and we figured we were gonna meet halfway between us in Santa Rosa just north of San Fransisco…A motel is booked (NOT Motel 6) so we would have a meeting point and should hook up tommorrow afternoon/evening…no pics for today as it was a pretty boring ride from Vegas to Fresno and nothing we haven’t seen before…..
Day 19-21 Las Vegas Baby!!!
A few friends are down in Vegas for a couple of days and I thought I would join them for a little “good ole Vegas fun”!!! The weather was great, the scenery was great and the drinks were great!!! What more could you wish for??…maybe a few more wins at blackjack, that would of topped it off!! But alas, some one has to pay for those big casinos and I certainly did my part….Without going into too much detail, the last few days consisted of drinking, gambling and eating (not necessarily in that order)….the norm for most of my So, if you have been experiencing problems in the bedroom tablet viagra for many sufferers & their mate subsequent a cardiovascular incident. For curing the disease, the men of the ability order viagra to get erections. buy generic viagra Since they invest money, government allows them to sell their products to researchers and scientists to help them conduct their research daily. It is also associated with a range of neuropsychiatric functions, cheap viagra such as schizophrenia, mood and anxiety disorders. trips to Vegas…..but, it’s always fun!! Not too much more to add and no pictures to post…..
Time to continue on….I found out a few days ago that the my brother in-law, James, has decided to hop on his bike and meet up with me for the last part of this trip (about a week left)…He’s leaving on thursday and we will meet up somewhere in Cali on saturday…..then from there we will figure out the rest of the stops…it should be fun and will be nice to have a riding partner for a little while!!!