Ever Heard of monkey Butt??

After riding for 12 hours, I sure have…. let’s just say your butt gets a little raw after sitting on a motorcycle for a long time…

Today’s plan was ride up to Watson Lake (about 9hrs) and spend the night there, so got up early, packed up the bike and off I went…the highways were great, no traffic and I made it to Watson Lake at about 3pm, since the weather was great, I decided to keep on going…well, after about 12 hrs total, I end up in Whitehorse!!! The ride wasn’t actually that bad and it doesn’t hurt that there’s daylight until 11:30pm…

Made it to the Yukon!!!

Made it to the Yukon!!!

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One thing everyone mentions about travelling up north is the wildlife….so I have decided to keep track of all the animals I come across during this trip…so far, two dead deer (ran over by cars), one black bear (I almost ran into him crossing the Hwy) and one rabbit…

I’m making good time and I should be in Tok Alaska the next day…

Direction…. Due North!!!

All packed and ready to go, I pulled out of my underground and with PG (Prince George) punched into the GPS I was off…It’s been a few years coming, but I was finally on my way to see Alaska.

Packin the bike early in the morn.....

Packin the bike early in the morn…..

photo (8)

Away I go!!!! The adventure begins….

I left Vancouver a few days ago and decided to head north through the Fraser Canyon towards Prince George. The sun was out, it was warm and not too much traffic… a perfect way to start a road trip!!

It was about 8hrs to PG and I just sat back and got used to long riding days again. Left the next morning and decided to head towards the southern part of Alaska and a little town called Hyder.  Hyder has a population of approx. 70 and is land locked by BC (same as Point Roberts), the only way to get to Hyder  (other than by boat) is through Stewart, BC which is located right on the Canadian side of the border with a population of about 300…Needless to say, these are both very small towns but the ride in offers some spectacular scenery and some close up shots of the Bear glacier.

Bear Glacier up close...

Bear Glacier up close…


I could almost touch it.....almost...

I could almost touch it…..almost…



Downtown Stewart….whadda ya expect for a town of 300??

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Hyder is also known for a bear viewing creek (Fish Creek) where people can get up close and personal with the furry four legged beasts feasting on spawning salmon… unfortunately, I was there at the wrong time of year (missed it by a couple of weeks)…no spawning salmon = no bears…I still went up there hoping maybe I would get lucky and find some young bear that didn’t know his calendar…no such luck.

Crossing the border into Hyder Alaska...no US customs...

Crossing the border into Hyder Alaska…no US customs…


Well, no bears but I did get to experience the “bus”…something else Hyder is known for… A  converted bus that serves fresh seafood caught by her fisherman husband. I heard about this place when I stopped for gas in Houston BC, the counter clerk couldn’t stop raving about the place…”just look for the bus with a shotgun on the counter” she said…

The famous "Bus"...if you're in Hyder, you gotta visit this place...

The famous “Bus”…if you’re in Hyder, you gotta visit this place…

May not look that great, but it was tasty!!

May not look that great, but it was tasty!!

In the summer season, she gets so busy that people have to wait up to an hour to get food…famous for her halibut fish and chips…lightly battered  (her own secret recipe) fresh halibut and fresh cut fries… it was delicious!! (and  I’m not even a big fan of fish and chips!!)…

There’s only so much to see in a town of 70 so the next morn, I’m outta here…