Day 16…Potato Land …PEI

Enough of New Brunswick!! Woke up this morning and it was raining even harder than yesterday!! Packed up, threw the rain gear on and pointed the bike east towards Prince Edward Island…Charlottetown to be exact…Luckily it was only about 5hrs, so that made it a little more bearable in the rain…One of the main attractions (for me anyhow) was the Confederation Bridge…it is a bridge spanning the Abegweit Passage of Northumberland Strait, linking Prince Edward Island with mainland New Brunswick, Canada spanning almost 13 Km and hovers around 130 ft. above the water. This would be a great idea for Vancouver Island to the mainland!!! It is a toll bridge and only takes about 10 minutes to cross (about $20 for a motorcycle…probably a lot cheaper than a ferry ride!!).

Confederation Bridge going to PEI…as you can see, the weather wasn’t the greatest!!

I arrived soaking wet and just wanting to get into some dry clothes…It continued raining all day, so once again, I just hung out at the motel…

Leaving the next morning, I got a few shots of the downtown area…not sure what this is, but it looked kinda cool.

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Goodbye PEI!!!



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