Day 5….east to Saskatchewan…

Friday morning and back on the Trans Canada Hwy heading east to Saskatchewan…Adam and I pondered where to go next after Calgary and it was a toss up between Edmonton (go and visit the big Mall) or head east to Regina….the thing that swayed the decision to Regina… the BC Lions were playing the Saskatchewan Roughriders on Saturday…that did it and off to Regina  we were…. Arrive Friday evening, catch the football game the next day, then get the heck out of Regina…pretty much that was the plan.

Welcome to Saskatchewan!!!

That’s about as exciting as it gets riding through Saskatchewan….Really, that’s it….

Made it to Regina…but I wouldn’t exactly say “I love it”….

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We managed to get some decent seats on the goal line with a great view of the field…if you’re wondering where the crowds is, this was taken just before the game started…

What would a football game be without cheerleaders???

BTW….the Lions lost….

Enough of Regina….It’s time to move on, Manitoba was calling and Sunday morning it was time to go….

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