Day 2-4…Calgary and the Stampede…

I guess we couldn’t have timed it any better…Stampede time!!! For those of you who do not know what the Calgary Stampede is….well, it’s pretty much a good excuse to party and drink for ten days….it is an annual rodeo, exhibition and festival held every July in Calgary, Alberta which lasts for ten days and bills itself as “The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth”, it attracts over one million visitors per year and features one of the world’s largest rodeos.

We left Summerland early in the morn cause we figured we had a good 12 hour day ahead of us riding through Osoyoos, Cranbrook then up through Radium Hot Springs and then through Banff onto Calgary. Since today was pretty much a mileage day, we only had stops for gas and not too many pics…maybe on my way back I can do the Rockies again and tour a little more through Banff, Jasper etc…

After a couple of days on the road, all the bugs start to add up….

Arrived in Calgary late Tuesday afternoon, dropped off our stuff at a friend of Adam’s (where we were staying for next few days) and off we were to start “stampeding”….I gotta tell ya, this was my first time here and it didn’t disappoint….the whole town pretty much shuts down and everybody is stampeding!!! It was so much fun that we actually stayed an extra day…but, it was also nice to leave and get a little break….if ya know what I mean…lol…

Adam and Gerry heading into the fairgrounds for Day 2 of stampeding….

What would a rodeo be without some Bull riding??

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Pizza on a stick???? How does that work??

You don’t do this at every fair….Yup, that’s my arm up a cow’s butt….

100 Year Anniversary!!!!

So we ended up stayin an extra day and Friday morning, it was time to leave….packed up, bid farewell to Gerry, thanked him for the accommodations and off we were…..had enough of Alberta, pointed our bikes east and headed for Saskatchewan….


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