Have you heard of the Cabot Trail? Day 21….

Well I didn’t…until I got to Nova Scotia cause every biker that I talked to asked if I was going to do the Cabot Trail?? So guess what? I’m gonna do the Cabot Trail today….The ferry arrived in North Sydney at 7:30 am and away I went!!!

The Cabot Trail is a highway and scenic roadway in the province of Nova Scotia. It is located in northern Victoria County and Inverness County on Cape Breton Island. The route measures about 300 km and completes a loop around the northern tip of the island, passing along and through the scenic Cape Breton Highlands.

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The famous Cabot Trail….. I think it’s best to go counter clockwise….

I had heard from different people that the ride could take 4 hrs and as long as 8 hrs….hmmm that’s a pretty big window…I guess it all depends on traffic and how many stops are made…anyhow, I actually finished the ride in about 4 hrs (traffic was almost non existant) so I decided to continue on to Halifax and get there early….

Back on the ferry again…..Day 20

My goal was to go coast to coast in Canada and I’ve done it!! Now it’s time to turn around and head home….the ride out to the east coast had taken longer than I had expected but I did get to visit parts of Canada that I will probably never see again….and I’m still not finished…Today I do a short ride (2 hrs) to Argentia (southwest of St. Johns) where I will catch the 15 hr ferry back to North Sydney…on my way to Newfoundland, I just passed through Nova Scotia without stopping, this time I’m gonna take take a few days and visit a few places….

Back in the ferry line up…..this time heading back to Nova Scotia….

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Off to St. Johns, Nfld…Day 19

After a hellish ride from the ferry terminal to Gander last night, it was nice to have a bit of a break in the weather for my ride to St. Johns on the east side of the island…After putting about 9000 Km on this ride so far, I was in desperate need for new tires (especially with all the rain I was running into)…so first things first, hit the BMW dealer in St. Johns for a new set of tires and an oil change…with a new set of “meats” installed I was off to find the most eastern part of Canada…this happens to be Cape Spear (as the guys at the BMW shop told me) in St. Johns….

Cape Spear Nfld…the most easterly part of Canada… I made it!!! Unfortunately you can’t get down to the water cause it’s rocky cliffs, so this will have to do….

The rocky coastline of Cape Spear…..I wasn’t about to go down there to put my foot in the Atlantic…

Wasn’t the Atlantic at Cape Spear, but it’s the Atlantic none the less….finally got to dip my foot!!!

It was still fairly early in the day so after Cape Spear, the guys at the shop also suggested Signal Hill which was an important military site in Canadian history as well as the site where the first transatlantic wireless transmission was received…and to boot, there were great views of the city and harbour!!

Cabot Tower atop Signal Hill…this is where the first transatlantic wireless transmission took place…

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The city of St. Johns and the harbour….

The rest of the day was spent walking around the city…Luckily the weather held out and I had a nice sunny afternoon…

Not sure if I’d buy a hot dog off these guys….it just doesn’t seem right….

The famous St Georges street….this two block long street is known to have the most bars/pubs per square foot of any street in North America…

That’s it!!! I’ve made my turn around point…tomorrow I’m off the island back to Nova Scotia but this time I’m leavin from Argentia….the 15 hr ferry ride….


Finally!!! On the rock!!! Day 18….

Well, almost there….There are two ways to get to Newfoundland, by air or by ferry…I had to go the ferry route. There are also two ferry options, North Sydney to Port Aux Basques (west side of Nfld) or North Sydney to Argentia (east side of Nfld)…the difference, about 10 hrs… to get to Nfld, I opted for the Port Aux Basques route which is about 5-6hrs and then about 1000 Km to St. Johns.

Waiting to load onto the ferry…it was like a dam Harley convention out there….

Apparently it can get pretty rough out in the Atlantic ocean so everything has to be strapped down tight!!

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With the bike secured, I settled into my reserved seat and hunkered down for the crossing…it actually wasn’t that bad…the boats were kinda like mini cruise ships with restaurant, lounge, TV’s and wifi…the 5hrs actually went by really quick. Arrived in Port Aux Basques around 4 pm and made the mad dash off the ferry, I had another 6 hrs of riding to get to my stop for the night….Gander, Nfld….I don’t know if it’s me or if it’s always like this out in the Atlantic Provinces (I think it’s always like this), but I seem to be following all the bad weather around…got off the ferry and the weather was ok, but about 2hrs into it, the rain just started coming down!! Then it started to get dark…to make matters even worse, the first thing any “Newfie” said to me was “watch out for the moose” and “don’t ride at night”….so I have bad weather, it’s night time and I have to watch out for moose…this was probably the  slowest I have ever ridden this whole trip!! But better slow and alive?? I rolled in Gander about 10 pm checked in and just crashed…I was exhausted!!


North Sydney Nova Scotia…Day 17…Almost there!!!

I’m getting closer to my destination!!! Off to Nova Scotia  and North Sydney (where the ferry departs for Newfoundland)…Once again, not too long of a ride with a short ferry thrown in…Not much in North Sydney, just stayin the night and catchin the ferry to Newfoundland in the morning….

The ferry I’m takin to NFLD tomorrow…..my motel was just above the terminal…

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One more night and I’ll be on the rock!!!

Day 16…Potato Land …PEI

Enough of New Brunswick!! Woke up this morning and it was raining even harder than yesterday!! Packed up, threw the rain gear on and pointed the bike east towards Prince Edward Island…Charlottetown to be exact…Luckily it was only about 5hrs, so that made it a little more bearable in the rain…One of the main attractions (for me anyhow) was the Confederation Bridge…it is a bridge spanning the Abegweit Passage of Northumberland Strait, linking Prince Edward Island with mainland New Brunswick, Canada spanning almost 13 Km and hovers around 130 ft. above the water. This would be a great idea for Vancouver Island to the mainland!!! It is a toll bridge and only takes about 10 minutes to cross (about $20 for a motorcycle…probably a lot cheaper than a ferry ride!!).

Confederation Bridge going to PEI…as you can see, the weather wasn’t the greatest!!

I arrived soaking wet and just wanting to get into some dry clothes…It continued raining all day, so once again, I just hung out at the motel…

Leaving the next morning, I got a few shots of the downtown area…not sure what this is, but it looked kinda cool.

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Goodbye PEI!!!



Goodbye Frenchie….Time for New brunswick….Day 15…

Leavin Quebec….nice,sunny and warm…Arriving Fredericton, New Brunswick…grey, cloudy and rainy…I seemed to have run into some weather!!! By the time I had rolled into Fredericton, it was pouring rain and miserable!! I’m officially in the Atlantic Provinces now and what do look for in the Atlantic? Lobster of course….After stopping for the night, got into some dry clothes and basically didn’t want to leave the motel…so, instead of looking for a lobster dinner, I did the next best thing (well, at the time it was), I went to Subway for a lobster sub (gonna try the McLobster as well when I get a chance)…it was ok, much more expensive than I would of thot (13 bucks) but I had to try one…Anyhow, after my “gourmet” dinner, went back to the motel to get some rest….

This is about all I saw of Fredericton…..a brief break in the rain!!!

Lobster sandwich at Subway…only place in the country you can get one…..it wasn’t that good….

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Done with Fredericton and New Brunswick….off to the land of the potato!!!Prince Edward Island…


Day 14…I think???

Starting to lose track of what day it and with all these time zone changes (travelling across the country) I barely even know what time it is!!! Anyhow, it’s time to move onto Quebec City….

Parlez vous Anglais? My catch phrase for the visit to Quebec city…..Actually, it wasn’t that bad, most Quebecois spoke at least a little English and I managed to communicate the basics…Quebec City was only a few hours from Montreal so it was a nice easy short ride in the morning…the beauty of these short rides was that I could arrive in the late morn/early afternoon and have plenty of time to explore the city/see the sights, then the next morning I would be off to the next destination “speed” vacation of sorts. Anyhow, after I arrived/checked in, threw my  “walkin” shoes on (runners) and away I went…Montreal was like a big cosmopolitan city with all its tall buildings, busy traffic, designer shopping and just a whole “modern” feel to it …Quebec City (at least from the parts I saw) had a much more European feel with all it’s old architecture, cobblestone streets, side walk cafes…. Beautiful!! I spent the day walking around the “fortified” city and just admiring the old European feel….

One of the few “gates into Old Quebec (fortified city)…

Some of the “fortifications” in the fortified city….

Walking thru Old Quebec….It’s like your not in Canada anymore…..

The requisite church in the middle of Old Quebec….soooo european!!

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Chateau Frontenac…A landmark hotel in Quebec City….maybe I should of stayed there???

It was a little hilly around the city……..not only did I go down these stairs….I had to go back up!!

One thing that I made sure I was gonna have….poutine!!…for those of you who don’t know what that is, just imagine French fries topped with cheese curds and then smothered in gravy…tasty!!! Not something you wanna have every day, but once in a while should be ok (contrary to what your doctor may say)…well, did a little search on the net and someone mentioned that the best poutine was from a place called Chez Ashtons…pretty much a fast food chain in Quebec City, there just happened to be one close by, so I decided to give it a shot….Once again, like in Montreal with the smoked meat sandwich, I was a little disappointed!! It had all the requisite ingredients, but there was just nothing “special” about it…I’ve had better poutine in Vancouver!! Anyhow, once again, it shows you just can’t trust everything you see on the net…

My first poutine in Quebec……it was only average, I gotta find better internet sources!!

With Quebec City done, the province of Quebec is done …Next stop, New Brunswick and the Atlantic Provinces!!!

La Bell Province!!! Day 12-13….Montreal

Ok, I know I’ve been a little lazy and haven’t updated my blog lately….

Today I off to the province of Quebec and what better place to go in Quebec than Montreal??? It’s actually much closer to Ottawa than I thought and I got there in about 3hrs ( probably would of been there quicker but my GPS was leading me astray!!)….I planned to stay  for two nights cause there is just so much to see  and I wanted to make sure I wasn’t pressed for time…checked into my room and one of the first things I wanted to check out was Schwartz’s, a Montreal institution and famous “worldwide” for their Montreal smoked meats….Luckily it was within “walking” distance and off I went. Schwartz’s has been around since the 1920’s and the place looks it… in a good way, a classic old school diner that is busy all the time….

Schwartzs…famous for their smoked meat….

I sat down at the counter ( the place was packed and it was 3 in the afternoon) ordered up my sandwich and coleslaw and waited for “masterpiece” to arrive….Well, the meat was tender and moist, the sandwich was good….but world famous??? I don’t see what all the hype is about, maybe I’m just not a smoked meat connoisseur?? Another Quebec institution, poutine, but I save that for Quebec city….

Schwartz’s famous smoked meat sandwich with a side of slaw….the meat was tender and moist….but world famous????

The rest of the time was spent walking around the city and checking out all the different sites…Old Montreal, St Catherines, Mcgill University, Old Port, the “Underground city”….so much to see, so little time…that’s ok though, just gives me a reason to come back…
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Chinatown market…not quite the night market in Richmond…

Cobblestone streets of Old Montreal…

When I win the lotto, this is what I’m buyin!!! It must be over 100 feet long….

I think this is the thinnest building I have ever seen. It’s hard to tell in the pic, it’s only about 20 feet deep!!

Well, Montreal is done….time to move onto Quebec City (this is where my high school french will really come into play)…

The Nation’s Capital!!! Day 11….

Ottawa city…..it was only about 6 1/2 hrs from Niagara so it was a nice easy ride…although running into traffic around Toronto wasn’t that much fun…got here in the early afternoon so I had lots of time to walk around the city. What’s Ottawa most famous for? The Parliament buildings of course!! Fortunately the hotel I was staying at was just a block away…so checked in, changed out of my riding gear and away I go….

Here’s the shot on every Ottawa postcard……

Here’s the pic that SHOULD be on every Ottawa postcard……hahahaha


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Rideau Canal close to the Parliament Buildings….it’s only used by pleasure craft and boat tours these days…

If you like Canadian money….this is where it comes from, the coins anyhow….Royal Canadian Mint

I only planned one night here, so most of it was spent exploring the city core, then a good nights sleep and off to Quebec…. la belle province !!!! I wish I had better bruch up on my french….