Cu Chi District and their main attraction….Tunnels…

Another tour that I booked for was to the Cu Chi district of Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) and their immense tunnel system used by the Viet Cong during the war…it’s about a 2hr bus ride to the site with mandatory stops at the souvenir stands…a word of advice, if you ever do end up in Saigon and want to go see these tunnels, book one of the smaller tours. It’s a little more expensive, but I think it would be well worth it… I didn’t and I ended up in a group with about 40 of my “best” friends (two bus loads) fighting for the best views along the tour…all to save about $10 (my tour cost about $15)…it was still interesting to see and I figured out the best strategy was to hang way back of the group to get up and close to the exhibits…

The tunnels of Cu Chi are an immense network of connecting underground tunnels located in the Củ Chi district of Saigon and are part of a much larger network of tunnels that underlie much of the country. The Cu Chi tunnels were the location of several military campaigns during the Vietnam War, and were the Viet Cong’s base of operations. They tunnels were used by Viet Cong guerrillas as hiding spots during combat, as well as serving as communication and supply routes, hospitals, food and weapon caches and living quarters for numerous guerrilla fighters. The tunnel systems were a huge advantage for the Viet Cong and ultimately helped them achieve military success against the Americans.

This tour was packed!!! Me and my 40 good yourself a favor and book one of the smaller tours.


One of the "booby" traps the Viet Cong would setup in the area...the real ones are hidden a little better....


This is what's waiting for you if you fall into one of those "booby" traps......ouch!!!


Camoflaged trap door leading into the can barley see it...


Trap door's about 12"x 18" big...tiny!!!


Descending down into the tunnels...not good for claughstrophobics!!


Inside the's hard to tell from the pic but the tunnels are only about 80 cm high...I could only go about 20 meters before i had to get out "for air"...


It’s hard to imagine that the Viet Cong basically spent most of their time in the tunnels, only coming up during the darkeness of the night… I could barely spend 10 minutes!!

My time in Vietnam is pretty much over. Unfortunately, due to my poor planning, I didn’t have enough time to travel a little within the country… It would of been nice to see some different cities, especially along the coastline…oh well, guess I will have to come back!!! The next couple of days will be spent walking around the city (Saigon) and maybe picking up a few souvenirs, then it’s back on a plane to head back home and ending another excursion!!

What’s next on the list??? Well, I have a quick Palm Springs golf trip in the middle of May (gonna ride down there), then it’s time for Alaska!!! Keep checking back….



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