War Remnants Museum….

This museum was opened in September 1975 as “The House for Displaying War Crimes of American Imperialism and the Puppet Government (of South Vietnam).” Later it was known as the Museum of American War Crimes, then as the War Crimes Museum until as recently as 1993. These previous names will give you a little bit of an idea of what to expect inside…The museum is effectively a propaganda museum for the Vietnamese Communist regime, as it almost exclusively displays exhibits that are highly critical of the South Vietnamese and American war efforts during the Vietnam War, while neglecting to exhibit anything critical of the Viet Cong’s war effort…The exhibits can be a little gruesome, but interesting none the less…and the entrance fee was less than a dollar!!

Outside the museum were several "leftover" US Military machinery....


F-5A Fighter Jet....

The displays inside include a collection of weapons, machinery, artifacts and horrific  photographs illustrating the devastating affects of napalm, Agent Orange and  other weapons of mass destruction. One room is dedicated to biological warfare,  including the effects of the defoliant sprays that were dumped over the country….I’ll leave the pics of that stuff out…

Mock up of a "Tiger Cell" used to house POW's in Vietnam...

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Main entrance to Ben Tranh Market...bargain hard and you may get a good deal...the vendors in here are sharks!!!


Inside it's hot, humid and hectic!! lots of fun!!! oh and you can get cheap eats too...

In keeping with the military theme...the Dan Sinh Market is where you can get military surplus goods, although most seem like remakes...still some interesting stuff though...

Tomorrow it’s off to the Cu Chi tunnels about an hour and a half outside of Saigon…The tunnels of Cu Chi are an immense network of connecting underground tunnels located in the Cu Chi district of Saigon and are part of a much larger network of tunnels that underlie much of the country….

Made it to Vietnam…it only took a whole day…

Yes I made it and yes I was travelling for a whole day!!! Pokhara to Kathmandu to Ho chi Minh…and a lot of layovers…ok, enough complaining…I am in Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) now and it’s hot and humid!!! I checked the weather forecast and it called for thunder showers all week…I’ve been here a few days now and it’s not that bad, just a few showers so far.

On a side note, it seems I must have that “all Asian” look. Where ever I go in Asia, people seem to think I am a local..It was happening in Thailand last year, Nepal and now in Vietnam…locals would come up to me and start speaking in the local language asking me questions??? When I shrug and give them a confused look, they look surprised…maybe there is something to that Asian stereotype “we all look the same”??? hahaha….

Anyhow, I have just under a week here in Saigon to see the sights and get a feel for the city….Saigon is made up of several districts (I think up to 11) and I am staying in District 1 which is the main tourist area and business center…with a population close to 9 million (greater Saigon) It doesn’t seem that hectic ( Kathmandu with a population of 1 million was much more hectic) with lots of greenery and almost no smog….this is probably one of the few cities I could live in…

Tallest building in Saigon....Bitexco Financial Tower, 68 floors...

I thought Thailand had a lot of scooters!!! There seems to be twice as many here....

One of the many outdoor food markets around town...you can find pretty much anything here...

Just me....at one of the many coffee shops...Vietnamese love their coffee...and so do I!!!


This little contraption is a mini one cup french press...the coffee here is very strong, but it is also very smooth!!

Searching through the Internet looking for things to do and see in Saigon, I came across this “foodie” tour on scooters…this sounded right up my alley!!! I love to eat and love to  ride motorcycles!! Basically a female guide on a scooter comes by and picks you up from your hotel and then (as a group) you get chauffeured around Saigon on the scooter with several stops at some street food places for a little taste of the local cuisine…I gotta tell ya that this is one of the best tours I have ever been on!! not only did I get to eat a whole lot, but the guides very knowledgeable and entertaining…If you are ever in Saigon, I would recommend this tour whole heartily…

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Me'n my guide riding through the streets of Saigon on our way to our first stop...


View from the back of the scooter....there's a lot of traffic!!


First Stop...noodles at the side of the road...can't remember the name, but it's not pho...very tasty!!


Grilling goat meat at another one of our stops...a little tough, but still tasty

Another one of the guides...that's grilled frog she's holding...

With a belly full of food and beer, it was time to go back to the hotel…tomorrow it’s off to the War Remnants Museum…


Chillin in Pokhara…..

30 minutes from Kathmandu...not much of a welcome sign, but here's what you get landing in Pokhara

Been here for a few days now just relaxing in this lakeside community…..Pokhara is the largest city in the western region of Nepal with approximately 350,000 inhabitants and is situated about 200 km west of the capital Kathmandu. It is the second most populous city in Nepal. Pokhara is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Nepal with three out of the ten highest mountains in the world: Dhaulagiri, Annapurna I and Manaslu or Lamjung himal are situated within 50 miles of the city so that the northern skyline of the city offers a very close view of the Himalayas. Due to its proximity to the Annapurna mountain range the city is also a base for trekkers undertaking the Annapurna Circuit which has been known to be much more beautiful than the Everest Base Camp trek….Even though it is Nepal’s second largest city, there is nowhere near the hustle and bustle (and smog) that you would find in Kathmandu. It seems much more relaxed and peaceful here (which is great after a long hard trek)… I am staying in the lakeside area of Pokhara which is the main touristy area with all the restaurants, hotels and trek shops lining the main drag along the lake….I really haven’t been doing too much during my stay here…I have seen some of the sights but the main attraction here is trekking in the Annapurna’s and I am done with trekking for now!!!

Main street, Pokhara Lakeside...restaurants, hotels, trek shops...just like Kathmandu!!!


Traffic jam Pokhara style....check out the dudes on top of the bus!!!


I thought these guys were dead from a distance...turns out they're just escaping the heat in a local mud puddle...


Boats are available for rent to take on the lake....I think I could of got a pretty good deal on one of these...


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At the south end of the lake there is a waterfall that drops into the ground to some underground rivers...this is called Devi Falls...there are also some caves where you can view the bottom of the falls..


Descending into the caves leading to the base of Devi Falls...


Me lost in the countryside somewhere....luckily I had my cell phone and Google Maps!!!


Can you see it??? Usually there some cloud cover and this was the ony morning where I could actually see the Himilayas beyond the foothills....

So it’s been  several days here in Pokhara and I think it is time to move on….Tomorrow is travel day… I fly from Pokhara to Kathmandu, then hang out at the airport and catch a flight from Kathmandu to Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam…..it’s gonna be a looong day!!!



Back in Kathmandu, Thurs April 19….

I got back into Kathmandu last Monday and it’s been nice to have the last few days to relax and recover from my trek… the tempurature has been in the high 20’s and nice and sunny!! a far cry from the freezing temps on the trail…..ahhh, so nice not to have my toes numb from cold and wearing my touque every nite to bed….don’t get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed the trek and the sense of accomplishment that came with it, but I don’t think I will be doing it again for sometime soon…it’s nice to wake up not seeing your breath, peeing in your own toilet and having a hot shower whenever you want!! So if any of you decide you want to do the trek, keep these little details in mind…One thing that I do regret about the trek was that I caught a bug just after Pheriche on the way back (glad it happened on the way down instead of the way up)…I have been coughing and sneezing ever since and not exactly feeling the best (at least it’s warm out). I tried the local pharmacy and got some drugs (“these will fix you right up” he said), but they don’t seem to help any, couldn’t find any “western” over the counter meds (eg. neo citron, sudafed, nyquil etc…) so I am left here to suffer and wait it out…oh well, I guess it could be worse.

Couple of things about Kathmandu….rolling power outages…the country does not have enough power to meet demand, so their solution, rolling blackouts across the nation…in Kathmandu this amounts to about 10 hrs a day at various times. As far as I could tell, there was no specific schedule, it could be out all night or all day, which could make it tuff to do business…luckily a lot of places (including my hotel) had separate generators so at least basic power could be supplied during the blackouts…but this still didn’t help me when I needed to recharge my laptop!!!

Second thing… I’ve decided that I suck at bargaining…pretty much everything in Kathmandu is negotiable and from the few thing that I have bought (btw. outdoor gear is really cheap here…it may be a knock off, but the quality is still  decent), I came a way feeling I got ripped off…even though I’m the one who negotiated the price!!….these guys are good….I’m not giving up yet though, I still have a few things to get and I’ll give this bargaining thing another shot….

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Look at all those shopkeepers down there waiting to take advantage of me!!!

Kathmandu public transit system...guys hanging out the door of these mini vans shouting out where they are going...if it matches your destination, you just hop on and give'm a fw rupees...

Tomorrow I hop on a quick flight to Pokhara (30 min) and get to hang out lakeside for several days,  it’s a bit of a tourist destination but much slower and relaxed than Kathmandu….

Destination Reached…Now it’s time to go back!!! Day 8-12

After reaching base camp, we spent the night in Gorak Shep and the plan was to wake up early today (4:30am) and hike about 1.5hrs (one way) to a Kala Patthar which is a viewpoint where you can actually see the peak of Mt. Everest…it’s only 1.5 hrs away, but apparently it’s one of the toughest sections of the whole Everest trek…I say apparently because I didn’t make it…Last night was the first time that the altitude affected me… my head was pounding and I couldn’t get any sleep at all!!! So when 4:30 came around, I had to opt out of  the Kala Patthar hike…no huge deal as I had accomplished what I set out to do and I got some pics of Everest from other viewpoints (the altitude also affected a few others as well and only a few hiking with us made it to the viewpoint).

So on day 8, after gettin to sleep in a bit, we started the route back towards Lukla (our starting point after the flight)….The schedule, Gorak Shep to Pheriche, Pheriche to Namche Bazzar, Namche Bazzar to Lukla, Lukla to Kathmandu (flight), all to be done in four days…because we will be descending in altitude no acclimation days will be needed and that is why the descent is much quicker than the ascent (we will be trekking longer each day as well)…

On the way back....more stunning vistas!!!


Coming into Pheriche...my speedy little porter leading the way...


Doesn't matter which way these guys are going, they always have right of way!!!

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Here's our plane back to Kathmandu...


Kathmandu from the air...that's not just the windows of the plane, it is very smoggy down there...

That’s it!!! for the Everest Base Camp Trek anyhow…consider this one scratched off the list… I’m back in Kathmandu now now where it is warm and sunny (smoggy too)…because we finished the trek early, I have a few extra days in Nepal, so that being the case, I will be flying off to Pokhara, Nepal on Friday for 5 days…It’s about 200km west of Kathmandu situated on Phewa Tal (a big lake) and at the base of the Annapurna Mountain range (another popular trekking destination). It will be a nice break after the Everest Base Camp trek as it is much more relaxed than Kathmandu….


We Made It!!! Everest Base Camp….

I made it!!! It was a long, hard, cold trek...just so I could get this pic!!! hahaha...

Today was the day we were gonna trek up to Everest base camp…starting from Loboche we had a 3-4hr trek to Gorak Shep which is a small village at 5164 m close to base camp, stop for lunch and then carry on to Everest Base Camp which was another 2hrs away…We had a long day ahead 3-4hrs to Gorak Shep, 2hrs to base camp then 2hrs back to Gorak Shep (we have to get back to Gorak Shep for the night)…so that’s about 8hrs of trekking, pretty much the longest day we would have….and it’s freezing!!! I wasn’t looking forward to it, but the final destination was in sight and I was starting to get a little excited…

Just another shot of the majestic Himalayans...It's all around you and you begin to get accustomed to it..."just another 8000 m peak"...as a comparison, the highest mountain in the Canadian Rockies is at 4000 m...

Loboche to Gorak Shep was pretty much uneventful…the trail was not that bad and the elevation gain was ok (in comparison to previous days)…we made some good time gettin to Gorak Shep, so instead of stopping for lunch we trekked on to base camp…more of the same, just barren landscape with no signs of life (other than the constant stream of North Face clad tourists stomping along the trail)…a bit of luck came into play when we were about 1 kilometer from base camp, my guide, Uzol, suddenly shouts “hey Ken, can you hear that?”, for those of you that know me, my hearing isn’t exactly the best (along with my eye sight) but I still nodded, then he pointed in the distance just beyond base camp and lo and behold, an avalanche was just starting!!! Very cool sight as I had never witnessed a live avalanche before…quickly grabbing our cameras, it was surprising how long it took for the whole thing to finish…I had time to pull my camera from my pocket, turn it on and squeeze off a few pics…we just happened to be at the right place at the right time….

Just beyond base camp...avalanche of snow roaring down the mountain...luckily no one was head up towards the higher camp on Everest

Although it wasn’t close to the base camp area, if anyone was heading to the next base camp (only for people intending to summit Everest), they would of had a very bad day!!!

So on we continued to the Everest Base Camp marker…funny enough, there are no views of Mt. Everest from base camp you are too close and the other peaks get in the way…we spent about 20 minutes at the marker, takin pics, then it was back to Gorak Shep retracing our steps…

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Everest Base Camp is situated on a glacier...some of the views approaching it...


More glacial shots...


Me again at the marker...I didn't come all this way for just one pic!!!

So it’s done!!! Made it to base camp, got my pics, now it’s time to head back to Gorak Shep for the night…One thing that I wish I had with me was a Sharpie, If I did, I could of signed the marker “Kenny was here April 2012″, but no such luck!!! If any of you ever do this trek, remember to bring a Sharpie!!!


Loboche, here we come!! Day 6…

The usual 6:45am wake up call, clean up a bit, pack all my things together then go for breakfast…this is probably the first routine I’ve had since I started this blog over a year and a half ago!!! As usual, it’s cooooold!!! and it looks like snow in the sky again!! Dammmm Internet, what’s this world coming to when you can’t believe what you read on the net??? Today we hike to Loboche, about 4hrs away, nothing too exciting here except fro this massive rock pile we have to climb!!! Low cloud in the sky, so the views aren’t that great…but who has time for the views when you’re huffin and puffin up a mountain…

Still managed to get off some pics of the surroundings...

Gotta watch out for these little bastards....they come at you from all angles...

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At the top of the massive rock garden towards Loboche, there are monuments for all the fallen climbers of Everest

Here we are!! Home for the night in Loboche...

Day 5….I’m Tired!!!

It’s friggin cold!!!! Woke up this morning and it was snowing outside…and my legs are killing me…who ever said April was a good time to do an Everest trek??  Oh, I think I read that on the Internet…. To make matters worse, none of these lodges where we are staying have any heat (actually none of them do…) so you have to pretty much sleep fully clothed in your sleeping bag with blankets on top….brrrrrr, not the most luxurious of accommodations , but what do you expect for 3500m up on the side of a mountain….ok, ok enough complaining….

Even when it's a little cloudy out, it's still pretty impressive!!

I'm gonna send this one to the person who said the Everest trek is great in April...

Today we leave Pengboche (3960m) for Dingboche (4400m)….to help combat altitude sickness, they recommend not gaining more than 500m per day at these levels (this is for us average tourist folks, not the Nepalese mountain people) and as you can see, that is what we are doing…Uzol (my guide) figured it would take us about 4 hrs…we did it in 3…..guess I’m starting to get used to this trekking stuff?? We arrived at Dingboche around 11:00am, settled in and got ready to spend the night…..did I mention that it was friggin cold??? Started snowing in the afternoon and by evening, there were a few centimeters down….
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Main street Dingboche...what a happening little village!!!

Me 'n the lodge in Dingboche...

Tomorrow would normally be our rest day to acclimatize, but I’m feeling pretty good now and I do not want to sit around Dingboche for the whole day ( as you can see from the pic, there’s not a lot to do there)….so tomorrow we leave for Loboche, spend the night and then it’s Everest base camp!!!!

Everest Day 4!!! Slowly Makin My Way Up…

7:00am meet for breakfast, out the door by 8:00….. Today we have about 5-6 hrs hiking (or trekking as they call it here) which will take us to Tengboche (famous Tibetan Buddhist monastery, also the highest at 3860 m.) where we will stop for lunch and then onto Pengboche where we will stay for the night.

7:00 am in Namche Bazzar...this is a common occurrence at all of our stops...if it's not cloudy

This seems to be how we start everyday....that's my porter there takin off like a rabbit

Tengboche Buddhist monastery..3860 m .elevation

The elevation gain will be from 3440 m (Namche Bazzar) to 3960 m (Pengboche)….now whenever I hear “elevation gain” that’s just  fancy words for “hills” (not my favorite word right now)…so today we will have to climb about 500 m and guess what??  90 percent of the elevation gain seems to happen right at the end of the hike! ok maybe I’m being a little dramatic, but there are a heck of a lot of steep switchbacks going up to TyengBoche which is near the end of the end…anyhow, I managed to crawl my way up (and I do mean CRAWL!!) to our final destination for the day… I gotta tell ya, this definitely wasn’t what I expected, I figured it would just be a simple walk in the park… but there’s no turning back now (although I could call a helicopter in to take me out???).
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One of the many suspension bridges to be crossed...this one is only about 100 ft high

It's an unwritten rule "he who has the biggest horns, has right of way"

I know I’m throwin all these village names out at you and they really don’t mean anything to you so I’m gonna try an post a map of everything so you can get an idea of just what I am talking about….


Everest Trek Day 3….Still in Namche Bazzar

Not too much going on here, we have today in Namche as an acclimation day. Not too much planned except for a short hike around the village and then time for me to update this blog!!!

Local "city" map....10 minutes and you have seen the whole village

Above Namche is an airport that is rarely used, i'm standing right on the runway....we also got a little snow last night

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Me an my buddy Everest...there's the destination!!! well sort of...

That’s it for now….time to get some rest. Tomorrow we head for Tengboche…..