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You are currently browsing comments. If you would like to return to the full story, you can read the full entry here: “Day 3 “The Lost Coast” to Monterey Ca”.
Nice to hear about your travels. Ride safely. Mom & dad say “HI”. Call them when you get to PS.
There is booze & cigars in the locked closet on the main floor next to the powder bathroom, help yourself – if you have the key. Happy easter!
M&D say Happy Easter and they suggest you stay out of Mexico (Anne Evans’ advise).
Hey Hose, sounds like you are already having quite an adventure. It looks like you loaded up the bike pretty good. How’s the butt and the back holding out ?? Rode my bike around town with Wella yesterday (Saturday) it was beautiful.
The Corbin seat is probably the best thing I added to the bike!! well worth the price tag….the back is another story, but I’m getting used to it now….If you guys ever decide to go on a road trip, the oregon/cali coast is perfect fo you……
Sounds good to me!!! Just had to break into the closet…..thx
Hi Ken! Glad you made it to the Lost Coast! I’d be garaging that bike until you get some new tires! Go golfing….:)
Hey Greg, new tires on the way, shud be here by end of week!!!