8pm, Santiago, bus station…..located in the middle of the city down some back street, it’s definitely not located in the nicest part of town, but hey… it is a bus station….To save a few bucks and to see a little of the countryside (more to save a few bucks), we decided to take the 10 hr bus ride to Puerto Varas instead of hopping on a plane…the savings, $49 for one way bus ticket to Puerto Varas versus $200 for the one way flight…I think worth the bus ride…
Puerto Varas is one of Chile’s most charming villages, located on the shore of Lake Llanquihue (one of South America’s largest lakes). It is an adventure travel hub, and it is also the gateway to the Parque Nacional Vicente Pérez Rosales. Unlike its neighbor Puerto Montt, 20 minutes away, it is a spruce little town, with wood-shingled homes, a rose-encircled plaza, a beautifully designed casino (btw. this casino sucks…they charge an entrance fee to gamble!!) and a distinct “German” feeling. This is probably because in the 1800’s, the Chilean government encouraged German immigration and set aside land in Puerto Varas to be farmed by the new immigrants. The city was built by the sweat and tenacity of these German immigrants, and later it became a port for goods being shipped from the Lake Llanquihue area to Puerto Montt (mostly timber).
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Now back to the food part of this blog….so far, the food during this trip has been pretty average at best (once again, this could be cause of the places I’ve been eating at) with the exception of some great beef in Chilean Parrilla house (grill restaurant)…sorry, forgot to take some pics of that…until we found a seafood shop in Puerto Varas!!! The name escapes me right now, but it is an old seafood restaurant that is styled after an old German couple’s basement (if you have any German friends and been to their parents house, you know what I’m talking about). Although the decor left something to be desired, the food was amazing (and I don’t even like seafood!!)…I had the corvina (which is sea bass) with a shrimp sauce which consisted of a ton of shrimp loaded on top of a huge chunk of corvina…It was awesome!!! But I gotta say what Adriana ordered stole the show…crepe de la centollo (I’m not sure if this was the correct name as I’m going off memory) which amounted to a massive mound of king crab smothered in a buttery creme sauce covered by a crepe. i don’t even wanna know how much butter they used in this, but with every taste, I could feel my arteries harden, which in this case, happens to be a good thing!!! Needless to say, this was the best meal we have had so far and probably the best deal as the whole bill with drinks, appies and dessert was about $50….If you ever go to Puerto Varas, I’ll dig up the name for you, it’s a must do!!

The pic may not do it justice, but this plate was huge!!! and most of it was king crab!! Best meal we had so far...
Ok, done with the food and also done with Puerto Varas….one of the main reasons we came here was to take the bus/ferry tour across the Andes mountain range into Argentina….It’s another 8hr trip and begins tomorrow morn….